Stamper Technology, Inc.

Technology & Jewelry is using our patented NanoFiche® technology to preserve pages and photos of your memories to last 300 lifetimes on a beautiful and meaningful lapel pin, medallion, coin, pendant or a collectible item – all on the size of a coin.


nano jewelry at

As Featured on The History Channel

Perhaps one day, our products will be discovered as an Impossible Artifact. It will outlast any other information storage medium in existence today including books, tapes, and discs.

nano fiche
Covered by US Patents # 7830573, 7961367, 8264757, 8717650,  10235542

Company Highlights


Q4 2024 – Planned mission on Astrobotics Griffin to fly 2024/25 to the moon.

February 22, 2024 – NanoFiche payload successfully landed on the surface of the moon on top of the Intuitive Machines Odysseus Lunar Lander.  Many historic firsts.

 May 2021 – Launch of Totenpass – The gold standard in permanent preservation.

April 14th, 2021 – Bruce and David Mammano talking about Bruce’s life journey on the Gonzo Experience Podcast.

Feb 19, 2021 Featured on History Channel‘s channel Ancient Aliens

February 5th, 2021 -Bruce and Evan Dawson’s discussion on long term data storage on NPR’s the Connections show.

January 28th, 2021 – Creation of a Lava Library

August 10, 2019 – Retired dual beam laser system that created the first CD-PROM Kodak Picture CD.

August 5, 2019 – Wired Magazine article on Tardigrades and DNA on the moon.

July 17th, 2019 – Bruce’s role in Chasing the Moon by Randy Gorbman on WXXI

with April 11th, 2019 – Put 30 million page library on the moon. CNET, NBC, Youtube, Fast Company, Arch Mission, Live Science.

February 28th, 2019 – Launch of Beresheet and Lunar Library.

February 2019 – Launch of NanoArchival.

December 2018 – Completed writing of the 30 million page Lunar Library.

June 9th 2016 – Bruce Ha nominated by RIPLA for Inventor of the Year for NanoFiche® Technology.

October 1st, 2013 – Ted Talk – The 10,000 year information archive

D&C news article on NanoRosetta Technology.

D&C news article on bible pendant at D&C highlighting Sarah Ha Jewelry Technology.

2013 Patent portfolio licensed to 3DCD, maker of Microsoft 3DCD authentication technology used on X-box, Office, Windows.

2011 Deco Discs Launched.

2010 First Rotary Digital Holographic Patent Issued. US Patent number 7830573.

2007 Mastering Services –

Stamper Technology and NanoRosetta are truly the American dream come true! Absolutely incredible products that will blow your mind.

Stan Meyer Jr.

The NanoRosetta technology is simply incredible. It is truly a unique way to preserve memories securely and beautifully.

John Kelly