Stamper Technology is very proud to announce our involvement in archiving the entire English Wikipedia to the lunar surface sometime within the next couple of years. The announcement was released on May 15th, 2018:

The Arch Mission Foundation and Astrobotic announced a partnership today to land the Lunar Library™ on Astrobotic’s first mission to the Moon in 2020.  The Lunar Library will last for up to billions of years on the Moon, continuing the Arch Foundation’s mission to preserve and disseminate humanity’s most important knowledge across time and space.

The announcement was shared via a press release on PRweb, and other popular news sites such as Techcrunch, Verge, and Vise.  Stamper Technology’s NanoFiche® technology will be used to laser-engrave the entire Wikipedia onto small nickel plates.  Nickel is chosen because of it’s virtual indestructibility nature.  It can withstand extremely high temps and last for billions of years on the lunar surface.

NanoRosetta® Technology used to laser-engrave data

Stamper Technology and the patented NanoFiche technology is the brain-child of Bruce Ha Bruce Ha. Bruce developed the technology with 4 issued US patents. Stamper’s state-of-the-art laser etching technology is used to inscribe vast amounts of texts and images allowing them to be preserved for centuries. This new and innovative technology can inscribe the entire King James Bible on a disk the size of a dime.

Bruce Ha profile picture

Bruce Ha

NanoFiche’s precision etching process includes the creation of a 3D-graphic effect, and unlike more traditional two-beam technology, their single laser beam works much faster. “In addition to writing complex holograms, we can write the entire Holy Bible in three minutes,” Stamper Technology, Inc. founder, Bruce Ha, said.

Bruce is currently using his latest technology to archive quotes, memories, photos, music, and anything else that is normally digitally stored with his wife’s Jewelry brand: Sarah Ha Jewelry.